Author’s message

All pieces were written by Steve Biersdorf, all rights reserved.

Do all lives have an arc, or are they a compilation of scenes open to interpretation? Or maybe there is no interpretation, but each scene is entertaining and meaningful on its own. Do your relationships with people have arcs, or are they a bunch of scenes that end when they end, things you did together, experiences you shared while your lives intersected? These flash fiction pieces are scenes. You may see an arc, or together they may have certain meaning. My hope and desire is that you enjoy reading these written scenes.

There are some “serialized” story lines here that are better read in order, though they can stand alone. The Hulk pieces, Hulk and the bank manager, Hulk and the NFL, Hulk and the drones, Dr. Banner’s impromptu radiation consult, H, First responder, in that order. Officer Very is another, Officer Very, More Officer Very, Very,Very,Very, Very Idle. And the Tagger pieces, Drive Time, Tagger, Any latte is a Goodlatte with Good Company. In the Bite-Sized Fiction menu these are sequential. Not posted as of this writing but soon to be, the Political Operative pieces, though these are not serialized and do stand alone, they share a common bent.

For those of you who enjoy remolding and reshaping short fiction, there are some experimental pieces, stream of consciousness, avant garde, whatever your preferred genre heading or subheading. These are Bad Days on the Sukhumvit, Specie, Grandad, CHELYABINSK-65, Stone Bottle Balustrade and Salmagundi.

Thank you for visiting my site. Please feel free to comment on anything I’ve written.

~ Steve